Surrey meets Malaysia

Keeping up with the lives of Malaysian students currently studying at Surrey

Offer Holder Day

Hey everyone, Syazwan here with another student blog ! Recently, I had the opportunity to work on University of Surrey’s offer holder day as a student ambassador. I wanted to share with you guys what to expect on the day itself. Offer Holder day is an event where prospective students visit the university to find […]

Best hikes around Guildford ⛰️

Hi guys, it’s Syahira again! 😙 During the exam/mid-term season, I am pretty sure everyone feels intimidated and stressed! I just want you guys to know that it’s not wrong to feel that way but you have to find out an approach to how to manage your stress 😊 For me, hiking has been a […]

How to get from Heathrow to our University?

Apa khabar, everyone? Hope everyone is keeping safe and sane! Finally, I’ve got some time to write a few posts after busy weeks of exams and assignments. Btw, hope it’s not too late to wish everyone all the best for the January exam! 😊 Since some students from Feb intake are coming soon, I thought […]

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