Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Bin Cheng speaks at Durham University

Bin Cheng visited the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Durham on Friday 15 November to give a talk in the Numerical Analysis Seminar.  The talk was on “Analysis of some nonlinear PDEs from multi-scale geophysical applications”.   Further details, including an abstract, can be found here.

Penn, Knight, Lloyd et al paper appears in PLoS ONE

The paper “Participatory development and analysis of a fuzzy cognitive map of the establishment of a bio-based economy in the Humber region“, co-authored by Alex Penn, Chris Knight, Dave Lloyd, Daniele Avitabile, Kasper Kok, Frank Schilder, Amy Woodward, Angela Druckman, and Lauren Basson, has appeared in PLoS ONE.  The paper emerged from the ERIE Project […]

Turner, Bridges & Alemi Ardakani paper appears in PoF

A paper by Matt Turner, Tom Bridges and Hamid Alemi Ardakani titled “Dynamic coupling in Cooker’s sloshing experiment with baffles” has appeared in Physics of Fluids. In the paper the authors demonstrate that higher order resonances can occur in a simple coupled fluid-vessel sloshing set-up if impermeable baffles are inserted to split the vessel into multiple […]

Vladimir Rubtsov visits from Universite d'Angers

Vkadunur Rubtsov visited the department on Friday 8 November from the Universite d’Angers in France.  His visit was hosted by Ian Roulstone, and during his visit he interacted with members of the FSG and FMM groups, looking at transfer of ideas between mathematical physics and fluid mechanics.  He gave a talk in the Fluid Mechanics […]

McOrist and Nieri speak at STAL2013 in Italy

Jock McOrist and PhD student Fabrizio Nieri attended STAL2013 on “Supersymmetric Theories on curved manifolds and Localization” which took place in Parma, Italy, at the Department of Physics and Earth Sciences of the University of Parma, on  November 4-6 2013.  Jock spoke on “Quasi-topological localization of (0,2) linear sigma models” and Fabrizio spoke on “3D and 5D partition functions as […]

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