Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Paper of Dorje Brody on the mathematics of rightwing populism appears in The Conversation

The paper “The maths of rightwing populism: easy answers + confidence = reassuring certainty“, authored by Dorje Brody, has been published today (18 January) in The Conversation. Populism appears to be enjoying a surge across the western world. For those who don’t support the parties of populism, their appeal can be baffling and unsettling. They […]

Interface Group and PAI host a Workshop on “Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence”

On Wednesday 10 January, the Interface Group in Mathematics organised a one-day Workshop on “Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence in Health, Social Networks, and Climate and Sustainability“. The workshop was held as part of a series of workshops associated with the “Surrey Institute for People-Centred Artificial Intelligence (PAI)“. The Principal Organiser of the workshop was Werner […]

Bauer, Bergold, Tronci, and Martinez Crespo attend Maths and Chemistry conference at Bristol University

A team from Surrey (Werner Bauer, Paul Bergold, Cesare Tronci, and David Martinez Crespo) are in Bristol this week (8-10 January) for the CHAMPS 3-day workshop on “Electron and Nuclear Dynamics in Phase Space“. David Martinez Crespo is a visiting PhD student from Spain. David and Paul are presenting posters and Cesare is giving a […]

Dan Hill visits from the University of Saarland in Germany

Dan Hill, a Humboldt Research Fellow at the University of Saarland, is visiting the Interface Group this week (Wednesday to Friday, 4-6 January). The University of Saarland is just outside Saarbrücken in northwest Germany. His host for the visit is Dave Lloyd. They are working together on various questions in pattern formation, in particular dihedral […]

Paper of Matt Turner on sloshing in vessels with porous baffles accepted for publication in the J Eng Maths

The paper “Dynamic sloshing in a rectangular vessel with porous baffles” authored by Matt Turner has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Engineering Mathematics. This paper examines the form of the coupled sloshing modes which exist in the system given in the figure below. By examining the linearized system a characteristic equation is […]

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