Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Daniel Knott attends summer school on data science in Italy

Daniel Knott attended a two-week summer school on “Data science and machine learning for climate research” (link here), held at the Future Earth Research School in Bertinoro, Italy, during 5-17 June. Topics included model reduction, system identification, estimation of associated transfer operators, control, uncertainty quantification, deep learning, with applications. The principal organiser was Stefan Klus […]

Elliott Sullinge-Farrall attends mini-course on mathematical analysis in Padova, Italy

Elliott Sullinge-Farrall is visiting Padova in Italy this week (19-23 June) to attend a “Mini-Course on Mathematical Analysis” (link here). It is organised by a group from the University of Venice and the University of Padova. The key talks are “Eigenvalue problems on singularly perturbed domains“, “Spectral geometry of tubes“, and “Around Fuglede’s tiling-spectrality conjecture“. […]

Paper of Carina Dunlop on cell mechanosensing published as a Letter in Physical Review E

The paper “Cell-strain-energy costs of active control of contractility”, co-authored by Josephine Solowiej-Wedderburn (former Surrey PhD student and now a postdoc at icelab in Umea Sweden) and Carina Dunlop, has been published as a Letter in Physical Review E. The paper shows that there is a complex relationship between the work done by the cell […]

Conference at Surrey on the quantum-classical interface organised by Cesare Tronci and Andrea Rocco

On Wednesday 21 June, a one-day conference (link here) will take place in the School of Mathematics and Physics. The title of the conference is “Quantum-classical interface in closed and open systems“, and it is co-organised by Cesare Tronci and Andrea Rocco (Physics & Biology). It is part of the project network Quantum Biology & the […]

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