Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Paper of Martin Wolf on self-dual Yang-Mills theory published in the Journal of High Energy Physics

The paper “Double-copying self-dual Yang-Mills theory to self-dual gravity on twistor space“, co-authored by L. Borsten (Hertfordshire), B. Jurco (Charles University, Prague), H. Kim (Heriot-Watt), T. Macrelli (ETH Zurich), C. Saemann (Heriot-Watt), and Martin Wolf, has been published in the Journal of High Energy Physics. The published version is open access and freely available (link […]

Lewis Napper visits Paris-Sorbonne and speaks at a conference on differential geometry and mechanics

Lewis Napper visited Paris last week (22-24 November) to give an invited talk at the conference associated with the network “Géométrie Différentielle et Mécanique“, held at the conference centre of the University of Sorbonne. Lewis spoke in a session on the 23rd November on “Monge-Ampere geometry and incompressible Navier-Stokes flows“. A link to the conference […]

Lewis Napper gives a virtual seminar at BIMSA in Beijing on Monge-Ampère geometry and vortices

Tomorrow (Tuesday 21 November), Lewis Napper is giving a virtual talk at the Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (BIMSA). The title of his talk is “(Higher) Monge-Ampère geometry of the Navier-Stokes equations“. The talk takes place from 4-5pm local time. A zoom link, abstract, and other information are available at the BIMSA website […]

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