Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Masanori Hanada gives two talks in Kyoto

As part of his research visit to Japan, Masanori Hanada was in Kyoto the first week of April. On 4 April he gave a short talk at the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, in the conference on “Recent developments in quantum physics of black holes“. The title of his talk was “Holographic geometry […]

Dorje Brody interviewed by Faculti about his new book on financial informatics and asset pricing

The Faculti Platform (link here) is a video-driven reference tool which gives users instant access to relevant and up-to-date academic and professional research insights. On Tuesday 18 April Dorje Brody was interviewed by Faculti (link here, including video) on the topic of “Financial Informatics: an information-based approach to asset pricing“. Dorje discussed the Brody-Hughston-Macrin approach […]

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