Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Sergey Zelik gives a virtual talk at the Steklov Mathematical Institute in St Petersburg

Sergey Zelik is giving a virtual talk today (Monday 4th October) in the “V. I. Smirnov Seminar on Mathematical Physics“, hosted by the Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences in St Petersburg. Sergey’s talk is on “Upper and lower bounds for the attractor’s dimension for damped Euler-Bardina equation” and takes place at 16.30 […]

Adam Nasim passes PhD viva

Congratulations to Adam Nasim for passing his PhD viva on Friday 1st October!  Adam‘s thesis is entitled “Spatially resolved cancer growth modelling for drug development“. The External Examiner was Prof Michael Chappell (University of Warwick) and the Internal was  Prof Anne Skeldon. His project was supervised by Carina Dunlop, James Yates (AstraZenica for most of the project and […]

Marcel Dengler passes PhD viva

Congratulations to Marcel Dengler for passing his PhD viva on Wednesday 30 September!  Marcel‘s thesis is entitled “New regularity and uniqueness results in the multidimensional calculus of variations“. The External Examiner was Ali Taheri (University of Sussex) and the Internal was  Bin Cheng. His project was supervised by Jon Bevan.

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