Surrey meets the Middle East

Insight into life at Surrey from three current Middle Eastern students

Preparing for Student Life

Hello again! Hope y’all remember me, but also if you’re new, I’m Seema and I’m a third year Digital Media Arts student. You should check my previous blog for more details and introductions. Today I want to give you an idea of what to expect from student life when you get here, I know I would’ve […]

New Beginnings with Sakhar

Hello everyone! Hope you’re having a great weekend. Following all the formalities, introductions and training sessions I can finally start blogging! so lets kick it off with a little bit about myself. My name is Sakhar, an Omani student and one of the Middle East bloggers here alongside Seema and Seif. We’re part of the […]

This is Seema! | How I got to Surrey

Hello hello! It is nice to meet you all (virtually) and welcome to my very first blog. Let’s start with basic introductions. As you can tell by my profile on the side of this page, my name is Seema, I am a third year student at the University of Surrey, and today I will be […]

Eventful Times

Hello guys, it’s been a while. I’ve been really busy with my final-year project (which I won’t tell you about because you definitely don’t need to start worrying about it before even coming to university) and with various social activities. March is usually a really busy month for activities at Surrey. It’s also the last […]

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