Surrey meets the Middle East

Insight into life at Surrey from three current Middle Eastern students

Eventful Times

Hello guys, it’s been a while. I’ve been really busy with my final-year project (which I won’t tell you about because you definitely don’t need to start worrying about it before even coming to university) and with various social activities. March is usually a really busy month for activities at Surrey. It’s also the last […]

جامعة سري

مرحبا، أنا علاء، طالب سنه رابعة بجامعة سري، بدرس هندسة طيران. الدراسة هون 3 سنين بل عاده بس أنا عم كمل ماسترز ف هي رابع سنه إلي. أنا سوري، من دمشق. الجامعة هون قررت تعمل بلوغ ل الطلاب يلي عم يفكرو يجو يدرسو بسري ف أنا وطالب ثاني منكتب كل إسبوع تقريباً، مرات بل عربي […]


Disclaimer: the following info is true for the Aerospace Engineering programme. Some of it could be slightly different for other programmes. At Surrey, undergraduate studying is split into two 15-week semesters. Of the 15 weeks, the first 11 are teaching weeks and week 12 is revision week. The last 3 weeks depend on the semester. […]

My HostUK Visit – Part II

I’ll pick up right where I left off. My 3rd day, Christmas Day, was very interesting. In the early morning, we went to a nearby town called Pagham for a walk on the beach. Now, UK beaches are definitely not the same as Middle East beaches. We have sand, they have pebbles and gravel. They […]

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