Politics @ Surrey

The blog of the Department of Politics at the University of Surrey

The negative sum game of Brexit

As we roll around to a new round of Article 50 negotiations, it’s perhaps useful to revisit another key structural dimension of this process. Negotiation theory spends a lot of time trying to educate users into the language of positive-sum games. Those inexperienced in such things typically see negotiations as zero-sum: your loss is my […]

Infographic for the “Negotiating Brexit” event, London, 20 October

As part of the “Negotiating Brexit” event that Hussein Kassim (UEA) and I are running at the British Academy today, as part of our Brexit Priority grant project on the positions of the various member states in the Article 50 process, I have produced an infographic. This summarises both the key issues in each of […]

Who needs what from the European Council?

The European Council today and tomorrow is an important staging post for the Article 50 process. It marks the point at which the EU27 had decided they would review the negotiations and take stock. More particularly, the original mandate for the Commission suggested that this was the point at which the European Council would take […]

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