Politics @ Surrey

The blog of the Department of Politics at the University of Surrey

Refugees, migrants, IDPs: Protecting people on the move – without distinction

Above: Somali Refugees are seen in Malkadiida Refugee Camp, Ethiopia. 25 August 2017. UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe This post first appeared on the ICRC Humanitarian Law and Policy Blog, 9 October 2017 ‘It is not the movement of persons that is the problem, it is the movement of persons without the protection of fundamental rights and […]

More negotiation theory in Article 50

I’ve talked before about how negotiation theory might throw some light on the Article 50 process, but it seems useful to return to the subject, given the continuing difficulties that the sides are encountering: might the literature offer some insights? Today, it’s Zartman who springs to mind. He writes on the conflict management side of […]

Must May go, or might May stay? A Brexit balancesheet

There’s nothing very useful to be to added to the general cacophony around Theresa May’s speech to her party conference yesterday: the jokes have all been made, the judgments handed in. But one aspect that’s been relatively overlooked is the impact on Brexit: as discussion continues to swirl about, could it improve things to have […]

Running down the clock as a strategy in Article 50

As we all wait with baited breath – possibly – for Theresa May’s Florence speech, I’d like to explore one aspect of Article 50 that’s been visible but somewhat under-considered: the time constraint. Having talked with various people in Brussels and London in recent weeks, I’ve been struck by how time is seen both as […]

Rohingya “terrorists” and the hierarchies of legitimate resistance in Myanmar

Last week, militants staged a series of attacks in Myanmar’s troubled Rakhine region. Armed with machetes, sticks, improvised explosive devices and a few small firearms about 150 men raided 30 police posts and one army base in the early hours of 25 August. They killed 10 policemen, one army soldier and one state official. At […]

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