Politics @ Surrey

The blog of the Department of Politics at the University of Surrey

Article 50 progress infographic

Since I have nothing constructive to say about the General Election and Brexit that I’ve not already covered elsewhere, I’ve been making another infographic, this time on the progress of the Article 50 negotiations. As you’ll see, there’s not much on it so far, because very little has happened (see the timeline post for updates): […]

The Commission’s mandate for Brexit negotiations: firm but fair?

22 May 2017 will rightly be remembered by people for the terrible events in Manchester. But it was also the day that the EU finalised its position on the Article 50 negotiations, agreeing on the detailed negotiation mandate for the Commission, which will lead the talks. The mandate essentially confirms the broader guidelines previously agreed […]

Why don’t pro-Europeans mobilise?

This Tuesday, while most of us where thinking of other things, I was at the Social Market Foundation, talking about Brexit and euroscepticism. In the course of questions at the end, I was asked whether British pro-Europeans displayed the same range and variety of positions as sceptics, to which I noted mobilisation hadn’t really happened. […]

How to be awkward in the European Union

A bit of a quiet week this week: British politicians are launching their manifestos, Macron’s naming his first administration, Trump’s Trump. Rather than get sucking into the usual hot-take approach, I want to step back and think about the notion of awkwardness in the EU. The UK is, famously, the ‘awkward partner’ (in George’s phrase) […]

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