Postgraduate life at Surrey

Discover more about what it's like to be a postgraduate student at Surrey.

Accessing disability and neurodiversity support as a postgraduate student

Many people don’t realise that as a postgraduate student, you can access the Disability and Neurodiversity team (D&N) here at Surrey. As a current PhD student with an invisible disability who has benefited enormously from the support I get through D&N, I wanted to run through the process for accessing these services here at Surrey.

Find your sport!

I’ve always found archery to be a sport that involves both physical and mental strength and discipline. I have had a rough start to my PhD last year this time and in retrospect, I can say the only thing I managed to do consistently for a few months was archery. This is probably because it […]

The end of summer and the beginning of the academic year

As the trees on campus begin to turn various autumnal shades, my thoughts start to turn to the new academic year. After the calmness of a relatively empty campus over the summer holidays, the frenzy of activity as undergraduates return for the new academic year seems overwhelming but also exciting. As a PhD student, I’m […]

Mid-year run through

In the last couple of months, students have been occupied with exams and courseworks. The experience of preparing and writing assessments has no doubt been different. All assessments were conducted online. Given the odd global situation currently, the ease of gaining knowledge from classrooms may have been difficult for a lot of students. Thankfully, Surrey […]

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