Surrey meets Singapore

My life and experience as an international student at Surrey

2016 & Ready!

Wait. Where did 2015 go ? I can’t believe how fast time has passed! I’m now into my second year at Uni and I have totally started studying for my exams in January… or maybe not (shh.) anyways, that aside … HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!!  I’m sending you, whoever’s reading this tons of well wishes […]

Singapore Girl at Surrey University…

Hello Everyone! I guess it’s official then… I am an International Ambassador for Singapore at the University of my dreams! Alright… *deep breath* before I start on this first post… My name is Ecclesia or you can call me Eggy. I am a proud Singaporean who migrated to Geneva, Switzerland when I was 10. Now, I’m 20 […]


14th of July 2015, my Graduation. 2 years of hard work, of countless hours spent in the library, of insane hours staring into books, all boils down to this day – Melydia Tan, a First Class Honours Graduate! Of course, I was also an advocate of “Study hard, Play hard(er)” 🙂 It was a day […]

10 Days+9 Bags+8 Trips+7 Kinds of Paellas+6 Students+5 Cities+4 Flights+3 Signature Dishes+2 Nationalities+1 Selfie-Stick=AWESOME.

So, I had a pretty awesome Easter Break! Before I start my incessant story-telling, I must give due warning that I will be uploading plenty of photos, most of which you’ll see me rightttt in the front cos I hold the valuable selfie-stick (also cause I like being the centre of attention). So 6 of us went to Espanol, […]

UKSSC Dinner&Dance 2015

The United Kingdom Singapore Student Council (UKSSC) had their annual dinner & dance in Millennium Gloucester Hotel in London last Saturday, 14th of March. Partner societies from all over the country gathered for a wonderful night of sumptous food and activities! It was also an extremely good opportunity for networking, especially with Universities not located in the South. […]

Surrey UCAS Convention 2015!

The University of Surrey hosted a Surrey UCAS convention on the 16th & 17th of March at the Surrey Sports Park which took place from 9am to 3pm. Surrey UCAS Higher Education Convention 2015 that brings together over 155 Higher Education Institutions and professional organisations from across the UK.  Some of the Universities present were Cambridge, Oxford, LSE, Imperial, Bristol, […]

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