Surrey student experience

Current students share their thoughts on planning for university, student life and what it’s like to study at the University of Surrey.

Life as a J.P. Morgan Brand Ambassador

I did not know what to expect from being a J.P. Morgan Brand Ambassador, just the “on the tin” benefits: getting to know a top tier finance firm, a bit of extra pocket money and a bit of social media promotion. However, reflecting on the past year, it is fair to say that I have […]

Exam season tips

Exam season can be a challenging time but you are not alone in feeling stressed, anxious or overwhelmed. Almost every student can relate to this and, although exam season is hard (no-one can deny that!), they are an important part of your academic journey and often give you an amazing sense of achievement once you […]

Tips from a final-year student

Hello! I’m a final year student at the University of Surrey. My time at university is coming to the end so I thought I would write a blog this week on advice from the perspective of a final year student. Continue reading to find out more… Organisation Before coming to university I didn’t realise how […]

Top tips for vet students

I’ve been studying Veterinary Medicine here at Surrey for 4 years now and what an adventure it has been! Veterinary Medicine has a bit of a reputation for being quite tough and, although there have been some lows, the highs have been incredible and I have really loved studying here. This is my final year […]

Tips for working part-time at uni

Part time work offers several benefits to university students, not only does work provide an income to support the cost of university, but it also gives students to develop personal skills and meet new people. Continue reading to find out tips for working part time while at university. Be organised Time management is very important […]

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