Surrey student experience

Current students share their thoughts on planning for university, student life and what it’s like to study at the University of Surrey.

My journey through clearing

For my A-Levels I did Maths, Chemistry and Biology. You’re thinking the same thing as me, why on earth would someone want to put themselves through that (I still don’t know to this day)?  I originally wanted to do Medicine but changed my mind to study Natural Science before applying to university. Once I started studying […]

Summer in Surrey

Spending the summer in Surrey has always been one of my favourite times. I spent a few lockdowns here. I love that everything slows down and you can enjoy the sunshine. Whether it’s going to the lido, going for a walk, having drinks at the lake, or simply being around my friends, I have so […]

University of Surrey Clearing experience

My Clearing experience Throughout the process, the University of Surrey was really helpful in making me feel as comfortable as possible; the call handlers were very kind and well-spoken and helped me feel more at ease as they detailed every step I would need to do to finish the process. On the day that I […]

University of Surrey Clearing experience

My Clearing experience The University of Surrey was really helpful throughout the Clearing process; the call handlers were really welcoming and friendly and they provided me with lots of information about the University and answered all my questions. From calling up to receiving the acceptance letter, the process didn’t take long at all! The nerves […]

Gems to visit in Surrey

It’s easy to become absorbed in our hectic campus life as a university student and lose sight of the beautiful county. Our surroundings are known for their rich history, natural beauty and cultural gems. In this blog, I hope to encourage students to slow down a bit and spend some time discovering the best of […]

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