Surrey meets Africa

An insight into life at Surrey from current African students

Highlights from the 2nd Semester 🤓

Where did the 2nd semester go? Just like that… the second semester is (almost) over…đź“š Just like that…in less than 4 months, my academic year will be over. It’s unbelievable how quickly time passed…yet I still remember being picked up at Gatwick Airport with the meet and greet scheme run by the University on September […]

HOW TO: LONDON (…on a budget)

Hello there! As most of the university draws closer to exam time, I thought it’d be a good opportunity to fill you in on Easter Break news: My old university roommate came to visit me! She was a little piece of South African sun in between the UK grey and her presence made up for the […]

Surrey is International 🌍

Hello Everyone, It’s been exactly a month since my last blog post. Have you read it? I talked about loving being an International Student Ambassador and gave you 3 reasons why. Just in case you are looking for a flexible part-time job when you arrive here in September, this is THE DREAM JOB for you. […]

Champagne Tasting with the Food & Wine Society 🍾

Hello Everyone, It has been a while since my last entry blog post back mid-February. Interestingly enough, I feel as if this semester is going by way faster than the 1st which means that our spring break is fast approaching on a positive note. However, it also means that deadlines and dissertation writing time (also […]

Let it Snow!

IT’S SNOWING!!!   As one might expect, this is very exciting news for a South African. I have never had the experience of snow in my back garden, so you can imagine my enthusiasm when I woke up on Wednesday morning and saw frost on my room’s skylight.   The trees outside my room had […]

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