Time for some Paella and Jamón!

It’s Winter Vacation time now, so guess what?  Time to travel around, to get away, to explore, whatever you call it!  Let’s make Spain our first destination, the country of Football and Paella <3 Don’t forget your train tickets! First stop, Barcelona!  Before starting your journey, don’t forget to buy your train ticket.  Choose the […]

Doing laundry

Looking back to my first year, one of the biggest challenges is doing laundry xd At that time I just wish someone could teach me what do I need to prepare, how to use the machine etc. So, I decided to write a blog on this topic. Hopefully this is useful to all freshers who […]

Eating on campus

‘Is there somewhere nice for a meal after lectures?’ Yes of course! In this blog, I am going to introduce couple of most popular shops or restaurants on Stag Hill main campus. Young’s Kitchen Young’s Kitchen is located at the bottom of the Students’ Union. It is the ‘Basement’ at night – one of the […]

First term at Guildford School of Acting!

Hi everyone, I am Theodora, your new student ambassador. I will be sharing with you my student experience, and maybe some hacks (just to make life easier), so watch this space! I am 18 years old and I’m a first year student at Guildford School of Acting (GSA), University of Surrey. I’m on the BA […]

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