AMPsoc guest speaker talks!

Hey! Lately, AMPsoc (Advertising, marketing and PR society) held their first ever guest speaker event! We were honored to have Mr.David -Dohyung Kim from Huawei with us last Thursday evening he shared his story and a few of his advice to how to achieve and make the most of our abilities! Check out our LinkedIn profile! […]


HEY GUYS! HERE COMES MY SECOND YEAR! Honestly, one of the things I wish I did at the beginning of my first year was dedicate a bit of my time to one society, going to their events, making new friends and becoming part of a new family. Yes, I’ve been part of a few society, […]

Super Angels.

Hi All! It was great to see some of you this ‘moving in’ weekend! This year, I was picked to be a Super Angel! Most of you have probably heard of Freshers’ Angels (they’re the ones in yellow tees!), as for super angel, we do most of the supervision! In other words, more responsibility! You might’ve […]

Cooking on your own?

Hey guys! I’m coming into my second year, so that means a ton of workload and irregular meals, I came back to the UK two weeks before freshers’ week and yet, I still can’t manage to fit in a little grocery shopping. Luckily I saw this coming, so I tried out a meal delivery service: […]

Four must-do at FRESHER’s WEEK

Hello everyone, First of all a warm welcome to all of the 2018-entry HK students! It was like longer than a month before we last time met at the pre-departure talk.   Hope everyone as a Surrey’s fresher is enjoying the fresher week! These days were a bit tough to me because I was struggling with […]

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