Surrey Opens for all!

Hey Guys! It was great to meet some of y’all yesterday! I have only just arrived last Tuesday, been busy unpacking and settling back in! I had to make sure I was all set and ready for work on Saturday! Luckily we landed on a sunny day- everyone seemed energetic and ready for the day ahead! […]

Every little helps

Hello Surrey buddies, It’s September! Get ready for the university life? Money is a concerning issue especially when the end of the school year’s approaching.   Annual bus pass  From late July the university has invited a new bus operator to operate a more efficient and reliable service to Surrey students. An improved service means […]

Career options?

Hi All! I applied to be a brand ambassador recently and it struck me to consider my career choices, so I decided to take one of those career tests! I know most of you probably have taken at least one of these in high school, but now is really the time to consider the large […]

Moving in Essentials?! part 2.

Hey y’all! I’m back at it with part deux of moving in series! What’s next? So you know about Tescos which is 10minutes away from Manor Park. In town, we’ve got a few other choices if you can’t find what you need!  Budget wise, we’ve got Sainsbury and Tescos (Tesco Express might be slightly more expensive), […]

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