My Trip to London

Hi everyone is Diana here, After the exams I took a short trip to London and stayed at my cousin’s for a couple of days. It was lovely to see some of my friends again and I have had a really good time. I went to visit Tower Bridge and it was amazing. It is […]

Your New Blogger Joining the Team!

Hello everyone, nice to meet you all! I’m Lok Kwan from Hong Kong and I will be starting to blog here together with Diana! This is my first year studying in Surrey as well as in the UK and I’m now doing a master programme in International Hospitality Management, so, I am more than happy […]

Exams are over!!

Hello everyone, now that exams are over I can finally start blogging again! For the last 2 weeks, I have been very busy with exams and trying to catch up on all the lectures and readings. The workload at university is not easy to be honest, I might seem like I spend a lot of […]

Quick update here

Hi everyone, hope you all have had a happy new year! Just a short one this time because I just got back to uni this morning, my flight landed at 5am so I got back to my accommodation around 7am. First thing I did coming back to uni is not going to town for a […]

Happy New Year!

Hi guys, Happy New Year and I hope you all have had a lovely Christmas! It’s that time of the year when everyone is busy starting or rather posting on social media about their “new year, new me” resolution. Hitting the gym, eating clean…. just basically things you said  you would do but didn’t over […]

Santa is coming to town!

Hello everyone! Hope you all have had a good week! Today is the last day of the first semester, many students are already packed and ready to go home for a good break. Last weekend, my flatmates and I came together to have a Christmas dinner and we did secret santa! How exciting! We spent […]

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