Surrey meets Malaysia

Keeping up with the lives of Malaysian students currently studying at Surrey


這是一片無法用英文述說的心情。不只是字句行間的五味雜陳,還有我造詣不高的英文,所以只能依賴中文才能更貼切的描繪勘形。因為一直忙著備考,17日當天並沒有去看演唱會的興奮。直到往wembley去的路上,看著地鐵裡一波又一波的粉絲,慢慢的層層迭迭出快看見偶像的興奮。還有大家對上眼時的會心一笑,好像都訴說著各自的青春。就像這文章一開始說的,這演唱會給足了各種情感。有喜樂,有感觸,有欣慰,更多的大概是對時間的感慨吧。 ---抒情曲的潸然淚下--- 《稻香》 場內幾乎都是在這裡求學的留學生,這首歌直接獻給留學生,感覺不哭還對不起周董了。在英國留學進入第四年了。這首歌前奏出來,我腦裡浮現的竟然是這四年的跑馬燈。第一年不適應的壓抑,第二年跌跌撞撞的勇敢,第三年偽裝的堅強,第四年淡定的無所謂。很多人總看著留學生有去不完的旅行,欣賞不完的美景,每張放上社交網站的笑容璀璨如光。又有幾個可以真正了解,一切歸零的生活? 曾經在冷天裡迎風孤立,曾經在歧視中奮抗到底,曾經在病榻上滑下淚滴;千言萬語只能勸自己說這是獨立。是我選擇到異地求學,那我便必須承擔這個選擇帶來的一切的好與壞。報喜不報憂,何嘗不是多數留學生時常在做的事?六千英里外的哭訴,也不過徒惹父母擔憂。我們越是過得好,擔憂才能減少。 我不是天生就这么坚强,只是除了勇敢,我别无选择。 周董選了這首歌實在是點到心裡去的。既讓多數人感觸,輕快的旋律與不放棄生命的歌詞最終支撐著生活的無助。每每想家,稻香就會是救贖。 《安靜》 在考試前一天發生了一件事。給我的感覺是——這一天還是來了。因為這件事,情緒低落到一個不行。配上前一首的《稻香》,這首歌越聽越難受。讓我欣慰的,是朋友不發一語的摟肩,彷彿告訴著我“一切有她在”。 ---感人的求婚--- 有對情侶在一起八年了,喜歡周杰倫也很多年了。男生費盡心思引起周杰倫注意想要他見證求婚。求婚告白一陣混亂,濃濃的愛意卻在空中瀰漫。感情得來不易,經營更是不容易。那麼多人見證的求婚,相信是最好的回憶——那無所畏懼的勇氣。 ---聽周杰倫長大的--- 最近老是跟朋友提起,我們時代的偶像結婚的結婚了,有孩子的也有孩子了。我們也跟著老了。還記得那時候蹲在收音機前聽周杰倫的歌。尤其是星期五星期六的排行榜,前20裡,至少有三首是周董的歌。那時要跟著唱,還是得一字一句聽,一字一句寫下歌詞的。還有磁帶。看著附贈的歌詞,一遍又一遍地背周董專屬的rap。到現在,《夜曲》、《布拉格廣場》(雖然是蔡依林的,但 rap是周董啊!)、《以父之名》還有其他,不用看歌詞也是rap的出來的。 Y(^_^)Y  就用仿方文山的韻腳詩來結束這演唱會的心情分享吧~ 仰望冷而霜 寂靜的月光 任它灑在臉龐 想像 蒲公英看我白髮蒼蒼  笑塵世紛攘 不壓制 對自由 細緻般的喜歡 世界上所有的事情與情感,可能會隨著時間轉淡,或者愈發深厚。而時光荏苒,只求初心不忘。

Relaxed and Nothing Less

You know what’s great about Guildford? Besides the fact that it’s a beautiful place to live in? It’s great because it’s such a small town, and coming from a country that doesn’t know what sleep is (shops here close at 5pm; rasa nak gelak or nangis pun tak tau lah), I’ve learnt to appreciate the serenity. […]

European Meetings & Events Conference 2017

Finally squeezing some time out to reflect my EMEC17 trip to Granada. Last semester, events student were notified that there is a scholarship opportunity to attend a conference, which you can already see from the title, named European Meetings & Events Conference 2017. I took the chance to apply and was granted the scholarship. At the […]

Events Management in Surrey

After every travel pieces I shared, finally I have a week to blog about normal uni life! This time let me tell you the perks of being an event student in Surrey. Firstly, you have loads of assessment. (Well, I know that should not count!) Haha! What I meant is that we have loads of […]

Fun activities around Guildford :D

It’s Friday, Friday, Gotta get down on Friday! If that sounds familiar, it’s because it’s the infamous song by Rebecca Black :p I’m sure everyone can tell I’m pretty exciting that it’s finally the weekend. It’s been an exciting week, what with Surrey Decides (I shall be blogging about this next week) and Pancake Day […]

48 hours in Paris!

Last weekend, I took an impromptu trip to Paris, France for literally only two days. Let me tell you straight, it was too short of a trip.

It was the weekend after the first semester results, and alhamdulillah I did pretty good despite the struggles of building a new life here in the UK. Anyways, I wanted to celebrate and what better way than going to the city of love (alone, um okay haha).

I took an EasyJet flight to Charles de Gaulle Airport as the prices were still cheap for a return ticket. I checked the prices in Spring and it spiked almost double gosh! Anyways, it was an early flight and I arrived in Paris, checked in at an ibis hotel in Porte Doree by 12pm and headed straight for the Eiffel Tower. I’ve been there before when I was young but I was too young and couldn’t remember it. It was sooooo pretty and the sun was out so it felt almost like Spring without all the crowd that comes with it.



I visited some of the other famous places like the Arc de Triomphe, The Louvre, Notre Dame, and a few others. It was a tiring day of metro travelling, walking, and being in awe of beautiful architecture and art. The last point of visit for Saturday was Laduree of course. Some cakes and tea to end the day <3





I mean, I really don’t have to say more on this. I went to Disneyland and ran around like a child the whole day. Not one bit of me got embarrassed with the stares haha. It brought out the child in me again and I felt like there was no care in the world! Words can’t describe what an amazing day I had there. The best part was definitely the Disney light show at the end of the night. I almost cried really.



I don’t know how big children are these days but me being Asian-sized was able to fit into this Belle gown.



So there you have it, 48 hours in the city of love. Paris was beautiful and I would definitely go there again sometime in my life. If you wanna see the city from where I saw it, I vlogged the trip here:

Totally worth it! (except bring Maggi cause food there is so expensive tbh)


Till next time,

Iman Ezidy

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