Surrey meets Malaysia

Keeping up with the lives of Malaysian students currently studying at Surrey

Running Around Stoke Park

Hey guys! I know I know, I’m sorry. I’ve been inconsistent with the blogging lately but I promise I’m trying to get it together again! The thing is, I went back to Malaysia for 2 weeks and although I had such an amazing time back home, it honestly kinda feels good to be be back. […]

Reading week in Prague! :D

Apa khabar? 🙂 I’m thrilled that it’s finally Friday as it’s been a looongg week: what with second semester now in full swing and the fact that this is my final semester before being released into the real world. My friend posted a picture (below) which sums up my feelings exactly.  I’m also super excited […]

Support during revision & exam season

Hi there everyone! Exams are over yay! I celebrated my freedom with nights out over the weekend with friends before jetting off to Prague for 4 nights over the Reading week (it’s like half-term which is meant for studying). I shall be updating you all on my trip to Prague in next week’s post. Today, […]

Bye UK, Hello Holidays!

Hey guys! Happy Chinese New Year! May this year of Rooster bring more love, joy, peace and prosperity for all of you that are reading this! 🙂 This is officially my last post so I would really love to say thank you for all the readers out there for following my posts till now. 🙂 […]

Student / Work Life in UK vs MYS

Hey peeps! Sorry for the delay in blogging again as I’ve been really busy at work. Oh yea did I mentioned my student visa is expiring this coming Sat so I’m leaving UK temporarily for a trip to Norway? So yea I’m leaving to Norway on Thursday, but this is the busiest time in office, […]

A Wild Heart – Part 1

Here comes to an end of the first week of exam. I had only 1 exam in the first week and then the next one in on the 27th. About 10 days in between. Hmm…So here comes the question : to travel or not to travel? (think think think…) Revision…..? Work…..? Stay in the library for […]

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