Surrey meets Malaysia

Keeping up with the lives of Malaysian students currently studying at Surrey

Hey! Sorry I’m late

Hey everyone, it’s very nice to finally write something! My name’s Iman Ezidy and I’m one of the new ambassadors for Malaysia. I’m currently a first year Psychology student at the University of Surrey and I will be blogging on this platform every week until I finish my degree 🙂 Now that we’ve got all […]

Adapting to the Changes

Well I am new to Surrey but definitely not new to UK. Yet I still felt anxious while imagining my new life in Surrey before starting my postgraduate life in International Events Management. Changes are always intimidating because there is no longer a comfort zone. Can’t remember how many times I have been secretly asking whether I am […]

Dream holiday!

Hello hello 😀 I am now free of assignments and over the moon! I’ll be flying back on Saturday and the first stop will be to the local mamak for Nasi Lemak and Milo Ais ♥ Since everyone is in the holiday mood, I thought I’d blog about my AMAZING trip to LOS ANGELES!!! Placement year […]


Heyya! How’s everyone doing? I just came back from Central London doing my shopping and walk around in town admiring the beautiful Christmas lights! Christmas is just around the corner and everywhere is so beautifully decorated full of season greetings feels. 🙂 Back home in Malaysia, all shopping malls especially One Utama, Sunway Pyramid, Pavillion […]

WICKED the Musical!

Heyy everyone! How’s life for everyone? 🙂 It’s time to update the blog again and I can’t wait to share with you all my first experience of watching a west end musical theater show in London! So even before arriving in the UK, I’ve already heard of the amount of theaters in London and the […]

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