Surrey meets Malaysia

Keeping up with the lives of Malaysian students currently studying at Surrey

Surrey Decides 2016

Hello everyone! It’s Wednesday again so here I am to update the blog. 🙂 Life was as usual for the past whole week packed with studies and revision. There were a lot of assignments and readings to do compared to last semester so I spent most of my free time in the library catching up on […]

Celebrating Chinese New Year in LONDON

Hello everyone! Happy Chor 10! Time really flies as it’s already the 10th day of CNY now. 🙁 For us it doesn’t really matters as we’ve already started our classes on the first day of CNY. But of course for all my fellow Malaysians, it’s quite a sad thing right when the time is up […]

Day trip to Stonehenge and Bath!

Hi everyone! Happy Chinese New Year to all of my fellow friends and family who’s reading the blog! Its Chor 3 today, which is the 3rd day of CNY. In the past years, I’ll be currently back in my parent’s hometown- Penang with my family, enjoying the reunion time and fooooooooooood! Words just can’t describe […]

Applying to Surrey :)

Hi there! How’s everyone doing? The final exam is finally over last week which officially marks the end of semester 1 for me! And so, we have an extra reading week this week which should be the week as it’s name sounds where we should do some advance reading and prepare ourselves for the next semester […]

Guildford town!

Hi everyone! How’s everyone doing? Time really flies and January is coming to an end. 🙁 Good news is that I’ll be finishing my exam this coming Friday and then its one week break! 😀 Might be going off for day trips around the UK so do remember to keep a close eye to this […]

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