Surrey meets the Middle East

Insight into life at Surrey from three current Middle Eastern students

جامعة سري

مرحبا، أنا علاء، طالب سنه رابعة بجامعة سري، بدرس هندسة طيران. الدراسة هون 3 سنين بل عاده بس أنا عم كمل ماسترز ف هي رابع سنه إلي. أنا سوري، من دمشق. الجامعة هون قررت تعمل بلوغ ل الطلاب يلي عم يفكرو يجو يدرسو بسري ف أنا وطالب ثاني منكتب كل إسبوع تقريباً، مرات بل عربي […]


Disclaimer: the following info is true for the Aerospace Engineering programme. Some of it could be slightly different for other programmes. At Surrey, undergraduate studying is split into two 15-week semesters. Of the 15 weeks, the first 11 are teaching weeks and week 12 is revision week. The last 3 weeks depend on the semester. […]

My HostUK Visit – Part II

I’ll pick up right where I left off. My 3rd day, Christmas Day, was very interesting. In the early morning, we went to a nearby town called Pagham for a walk on the beach. Now, UK beaches are definitely not the same as Middle East beaches. We have sand, they have pebbles and gravel. They […]

My HostUK Visit – Part I

HostUK ( is an organisation that allows you to spend a day, weekend, or Christmas weekend with a British family. I went on a HostUK visit during the Christmas break and spent 4 days with a British family. It was definitely one of the best experiences I have had in the UK and I would […]

Christmas in Guildford

Today I’m gonna tell you a bit about Christmas here in Guildford. At Surrey, we have a 3 week Christmas break that starts after Week 11 (which is the last week when proper teaching happens). The only inconvenient thing about that is the fact that when you come back at the end of the 3 weeks, you […]

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