Surrey meets Nigeria

This blog covers the highs and lows of living life as a Nigerian student at the University of Surrey!

London TurnUp’s

Hello, everyone! Now picture this, festivals, porn star martinis and endless parties. Sounds like the perfect summer holiday right? Unfortunately, this is not the case for me as my MSc thesis will not let me shine in life -_-   5,ooo words into my 20,000 limit and I’m starting to lose my wits. 5,ooo words into […]

Easter @Worth Abbey

Happy Belated Easter! Yes, know I’m extremely late but, you have to understand the stress of exams and coursework have made the past few weeks hellish for me. That said I hope you had a great holiday and are now facing your assessments with renewed vigour. For the holidays I had the joy of attending a retreat at […]

Master’s internship programme

Hello everyone, Looking out my window on this rather gloomy day I thought I might share with you a few thoughts regarding the fact we are almost and adults and we will be starting the 9-5 life soon. Yes, I know we were adults the moment we turned 18, some of us even earlier. With […]

Tolu’s latest post

Hey Friends,   I hope your week has been going well and not too busy so far?   So today’s blog is about the students’ union. So I recently realized that a lot of people do not even know who they are, where their office is and what they do. It is important for potential […]

What and Where I’ve Been Up To!

*Blows dust off blog* Oh my, it’s been a while, guys! Happy New Year and Happy February everyone! Yes, I said that, better late than never, right? Hope you’re all doing very well and haven’t broken all your resolutions yet. *side eye* Last time I was here was December; we were all getting ready for […]

Tolu’s Final year

Hallos!!!   I hope everyone is doing well, and having a good week?   I know I know it’s been a while…. But no one prepared me well for this final year journey. It’s truly been a journey so far, but I’m learning to enjoy the process. They way my workload increased ehhh I can’t […]

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