Surrey meets Singapore

My life and experience as an international student at Surrey

Building up to One World Week

17 Feb 2015 Just had a Singapore Society meeting yesterday (which included a movie night) to discuss about the upcoming OneWorldWeek and iGala. Oneworldweek is an event from the 9-13th of March and is a week of exciting events and performances, mainly aimed at introducing and recognising International students here in Surrey. During this week, International societies […]

Reading Week

7th Feb 2015 So today marks the end of Reading Week and tomorrow, the start of Second Semester! So exciting! I had THE best & wildest experience during my short trip to Wales. I TREKKED UP A MOUNTAIN. Yes a whole mountain, all 2907ft of it covered in snow! Called the Pen y Fan, it […]

HAPPY 2015!

  01/01/2015 Happy New Year UK & Singapore!! 🙂 so…IM BACK HOME IN SINGAPORE! YAY! It always feels so good to be home! The moment the pilot announced we have arrived in Singapore, I was smiling ear to ear. HOME SWEET HOME! First post of the New Year, 2015 and I cant waitttt to start […]

Singapore Society Annual Xmas Dinner!

The Singapore Society just had our annual Christmas Dinner last Friday, the 19th Dec in Heart & Soul cafe in the University. For some of us, especially the newly-joined students, it is our first Christmas away from home. The dinner has allowed us to not only celebrate & experience this joyous occasion in the UK, […]

First impressions of Surrey

Being in the University has broadened my horizon and I have gained valuable knowledge and experience especially being an International student. Coming from a small country like Singapore, one of the definite highlights of my experience here has been the opportunity to meet friends from all over the world and understand their respective cultures. Never […]

Welcome to my Blog!

Welcome to my Blog! My name is Melydia, a final year BSc Business Management student at the University of Surrey. I look forward to sharing my personal experience here at Surrey with you. I cannot recommend this University enough as it really is THE best University to be in. Before coming to undertake my Undergraduate […]

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