At the University of Surrey, student halls are available on all three campus’: Stag Hill, Manor Park and Hazel Farm. We have different bands of accommodation, and you can apply using a ranking system, starting with your most preferred band.
It’s important to think about what type of student halls you’d like to stay in, so continue reading to find out what important aspects to consider!
Typically, students take out a Maintenance Loan from the Student Loans Company, an organisation by the Government. This money is spent on anything like rent, food, transport, socialising and books, so it’s important for students to budget their money to ensure they have enough. When considering your accommodation, think about how you’re going to pay for it and how much money you’ll have left over/you’ll need to make up. Cost can be a big factor in what band of accommodation students choose.
Consider where you could be living if you pick a certain band of accommodation. For example, if you put Band D (en-suite room) as your most preferred band of accommodation, you could be living on Stag Hill or Manor Park campus. Find out where your teaching will take place (e.g. Manor Park for Veterinary Medicine and Science) before choosing your accommodation.

Different bands of accommodation have different facilities on offer. For example, Band A budget rooms have communal washbasins, whereas Band C rooms have them in each students room. Consider what facilities you’d like to yourself and what facilities you’re willing to share, as this will help you in making your accommodation decision.
Different blocks of accommodation have a different numbers of rooms. For example, students living in Band C accommodation in Surrey Court (on Stag Hill Campus) could live with up to 13/14 other students. Students halls give students a great opportunity to meet new people, as students typically live with students from a variety of courses. Within the application process, students can also add any preferences such as a single gender flat.
Duration of tenancy
At the University of Surrey, a typical tenancy for student halls is approximately 38 weeks (full academic year). If you’d like to stay in student halls for a longer period of time (e.g. if you have integrated placements within your degree), you can apply to extend the tenancy.
To learn more about the accommodations on offer at the University of Surrey, click here.