Final Year starts!

Hello everyone! I am Hillary, who just returned from a Professional Training placement (PTY) year. How have you guys been? Thanks to Sophie with her fantastic blog updates last year! So surprised that we were both Super Angels before haha, I am sure she enjoyed it as much as I did. After placements, I was […]

Future Leaders Awards!

Hey guys! This time around, I want to share a little something else I have been working on for the summer! The holidays open windows of opportunities for companies to spark up the interests of students or fresh graduates, and I’ve taken part in an award participation called the Hong Kong Future Leaders Award hosted […]

Placement or Summer Internship?

Hello everyone! It’s been a few months since I’ve blogged, but now that second year has officially ended, I want to blog about what’s to come after the year finishes! As you all know, Surrey offers a 4-year course for students who hope to do a placement year, in which students go out in the field […]

Nous allons á Paris!

Bonjour mon amis! I’m so relieved exams are finally over!! Luckily for me, I had two weeks of freedom before starting second semester because my exams were all finished within the first week! The last week of January is reading week for everyone! Yes, this calls for celebration! Which is why my friends and I […]

Christmas in the UK!

Hey lovelies! This is a little overdue but let’s bring it back to 2018 for a bit! This Christmas is the very first time I’m away from family! Sad but true, especially on such a festive day, it definitely bugged me, though I was very lucky because my church held something called Christmas Together- it’s […]

Running 10K?!

Hey lovelies! Although we’ve started our Christmas holidays, the Students’ Union has been busy partnering with Kelly’s Storage to raise money for charities in February! Societies are invited to tag along to raise awareness for local charities like Oakleaf & Shooting Star Chase! I’m proud to say as a committee member of the business society […]

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