The temptation of final exams

Hey guys, It is already June. and the thing all of us we’ll do on the first day of June is.. by all means revision. The exam period itself lasts for 3 weeks. Fortunate enough, My two exams are scheduled on the first day of the exam period (26th May) and the very end of […]

The submission day of my Sociology dissertation

Hello everyone, After the seamless work for my dissertation before the Easter break, during the Easter break, and after the Easter break, I am finally free to enjoy the summer breeze! 8th May (4 p.m.) is the deadline of my dissertation submission. The weather seemed to hitherto be relatively nice to me on the submission […]

Easter trip

Back to Easter break, I went to Lake District in England. Finally, I can have the time and chance to tell you what I have done for the Easter holiday.   First stop – Liverpool. My friends and I went to the World Museum, mainly because there was an extraordinary exhibition which we cannot miss. […]

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