Support Team Surrey!

Hi everyone!   Today I am going to talk about Varsity 2018. Team Surrey is formed by students who are in sports teams, whereas they would represent the University of Surrey to play competitions against other universities. And Varsity means the universities leagues that students are taking part at the moment. Last year, Team Surrey […]

Semester 2 and New Years Resolutions

Semester 1 exams and reading week are over now and we’re four weeks into semester 2, but it’s been busy still, in a good way. It’s less busy than during exam season, with at least enough free time to blog, I think one way to stay on top of things these days is to stay […]

🍽️Where to eat between lectures? Youngs Kitchen

Hello🦌🦌,   It is already the last week of February – meaning that March is approaching. To be honest it has been a busy month for me : essays, presentations, dissertations….hardly have time to hit the gym. Despite a tightly packed schedule on weekdays, I always look forward to the arrival of lunch break – […]

It’s all about the ‘gains’!

Hello! I’m back at it again! As the second semester approaches, it’s crucial to keep in mind of one’s health! Lucky for us, the Surrey Sportspark is only 10 mins away from campus and a short walk from Manor Park! Exam season was really tense and most of us had to sacrifice some of our […]

🇭🇰Participating in high-profile debates at LSE – making a incredibly rewarding time at University of Surrey

Hi y’all, Happy Lunar New Year🎊🎊🎊! The Year of Dog🐶 has arrived few days ago and hope all of us have got chances to spend time along with our beloved families and friends. With the advance of technology, it is not difficult for us to stay connected with our sweet home – Hong Kong. In […]

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