Surrey meets Singapore

My life and experience as an international student at Surrey

One World Week !

Hey Guys 🙂 Eggy here! Over the past week, Our University dedicated this week to embrace the diversity we have here in Surrey. We have students coming from all walks of lives and this week was a chance for everyone to share their culture and learn about others! Rubix, the club- area in our campus […]

Student Union Elections, Recap!

Hey Guys, Eggy here! Things have been crazy around here! My last post was me in Singapore celebrating Chinese New Year and ever since I’ve been back in the UK,  I took one of the biggest steps in my university life that I’d never thought I’d ever take. I decided to run in the student […]

Singapore : This Chinese New Year

Hey Guys, Today i’m going to be sharing with u guys on my recent trip back to Singapore for CNY!   I travelled back home with my family and made it in time for the last day of CNY !! though we missed the start, it was so great to be able to meet up […]

Wisdom Teeth Extraction !!

Hey Guys! Eggy here, can’t believe that we’re in February already! The Universities in the UK usually have a  “reading week”, before the start of the second semester, to allow students to supposedly read up on their new modules before classes start! But really, students see this reading week as a chance to travel and […]

Two Birthdays in Two Days!

Hey Guys 🙂 Eggy here! Today, I’m going to be sharing with you guys about the birthday celebrations I was invited you the past two days cause we had some amazing food at these two restaurants here in Guildford and also cause we had such an amazing time! So The first birthday is my friend […]

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