Surrey meets Africa

An insight into life at Surrey from current African students

A Start to Semester 2

Hi everyone, We have just come to the end of the first week of the second semester of the 2021/22 academic year, AKA the last-first week of my undergraduate career! Aside from the regular learning resuming this semester, we had several different activities taking place on campus such as: The launch of the NSS annual […]

Winters in the UK

Hello, hello! We’re in the middle of winter here in the UK right now and I thought I could give you guys some tips/advice on how to survive the winters here. Coming from a warm climate like Dubai, I was really under prepared for my first winter in the UK, but I’ve adapted now and […]

Done with semester 1!

Hello again! Happy new year everyone! Apologies for my lack of blogging recently, but I had exams and had to really buckle down and study. I hope you’ve all had a good winter holiday/New year and if you’ve had exams, I hope they’ve gone really well too. So, seeing as I’m done with semester one, […]

Helping out during Department Tour days

Hello again everyone! I hope you have had a good couple of weeks since I wrote my last blog. Since writing my last blog, I have had the opportunity to help out at several of the Bioscience specific department tours and it really has been a good experience. During the Department tour days, I am […]

Returning to University after placement

Hi everyone! It is no surprise that as our final year of studies begins, many students coming back from their years in industry face some challenges in transitioning back into academic life. This year, I was no exception as a lot about the university had/has changed since my 2nd year of studies, especially as a […]

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