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  • Paper of Werner Bauer, Paul Bergold, and Cesare Tronci on Koopmon trajectories accepted in the SIAM journal MMS

    The paper “Koopmon trajectories in nonadiabatic quantum-classical dynamics“, co-authored by Werner Bauer, Paul Bergold, François Gay-Balmaz (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), and Cesare Tronci, has been acccepted for publication in “Multiscale Modeling and Simulation: A SIAM Interdisciplinary Journal“. The final-form preprint is available on the arXiv (link here). The paper presents the numerical results for the […]

  • How I Overcame Homesickness as an International Student

    Homesickness is quite a common thing that many international students experience because it is difficult for them to meet people they know. Especially if you are from a country that is far from the UK, it could be challenging due to the time and cost you need to go back, which makes it less easy […]

  • Day trip to Brighton from Guildford!

    If you’re looking for an exciting and memorable day trip from Guildford, look no further than Brighton! Known for its vibrant atmosphere, stunning seafront, and eclectic mix of attractions, Brighton offers something for everyone. Here’s a guide to making the most of your day trip to this charming coastal city. Getting There Brighton is easily […]

  • University finance tips

    Learning to manage your finances can be a challenge for many university students, especially for those who are living away from home for the first time. Juggling tuition fees, rent, bills, textbooks, social activities, and other expenses can quickly become overwhelming. However, it is possible to manage these and handle challenges successfully. Below are some […]

  • 探索湖水之国:英国湖区的必游景点与历史|Exploring the Lake District: Must-Visit Sights and Its History

    坐落在英格兰西北部的坎布里亚郡,湖区以其令人叹为观止的景观而闻名,这些景观包括原始的湖泊、峻峭的山峰和翠绿的山谷。湖区不仅仅是自然保护区;它还是激发了一代又一代艺术家和作家灵感的文化圣地。浪漫主义诗人,包括威廉·华兹华斯、塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治和罗伯特·南希,被湖泊的宁静所吸引,将这些戏剧性的背景作为他们开创性工作的灵感来源。华兹华斯在1810年出版的《湖区导览》中对该地区进行了推广,将其描述为“一种国家财产,每个有感知之眼和享受之心的人都有权利和兴趣”。 湖区五大必游景点 1. 温德米尔湖 作为英格兰最大的自然湖泊,温德米尔湖绵延10.5英里,可能是该地区风景之美的最具标志性的象征。游客们通常会参加船游,沉浸在周围郁郁葱葱的山丘和点缀其岸边的古雅村庄的壮丽景观中。温德米尔湖畔的小镇波尼斯温德米尔,热闹的咖啡馆和商店提供了探索该地区的活跃基地。历史小插曲:贝雅翠克丝·波特曾在附近居住,并从乡村中汲取灵感,创作了深受喜爱的彼得兔故事。 2. 塞勒斯堡 塞勒斯堡的起源可追溯到中世纪,它拥有丰富的历史壁毯和显赫的家族血统。城堡被广阔的花园所环绕,其中包括一个著名的石灰石岩石花园。城堡内部,其房间装饰着伊丽莎白时代的雕刻和詹姆斯一世风格的家具,为游客提供了一窥历史上斯特里克兰家族奢华生活方式的机会。 3. 德文特水 常被称为“湖中皇后”的德文特水以其宁静的美丽和其表面点缀的四个小岛而闻名。被山脉环绕,它在英国提供了一些最风景如画的皮划艇和独木舟体验。这个湖与阿尔弗雷德·丁尼生勋爵密切相关,据说他在湖畔停留时创作了《亚瑟王之死》的部分内容。 4. 艾拉弗斯山 对于更喜欢冒险的游客来说,艾拉弗斯山呈现了一个激动人心的挑战。它是该地区第三高的峰,提供多条登山路线,其中包括著名的斯特莱丁边攀登路线——一条狭窄的山脊,两侧陡峭,提供令人兴奋且略带危险的步行体验,最好谨慎对待。这座山一直是许多文学人物的喜爱主题,并继续激励着现代冒险者。 5. 多夫石屋 多夫石屋是威廉·华兹华斯从1799年到1808年的家,现在已成为他的生活和浪漫主义运动的博物馈。这座小屋本身,保留了华兹华斯时代的样子,向人们展示了激发他创造力的简朴生活。游客还可以探索相邻的博物馆,那里收藏了诗人的原稿和个人物品。 Exploring the Lake District: Must-Visit Sights and Its History Nestled in the northwest of England in Cumbria, the Lake District is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes composed of pristine lakes, rugged mountains, and verdant valleys. It’s not just […]

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