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  • Fabio Marino passes PhD viva

    Congratulations to Fabio Marino for passing his PhD viva today (Wednesday 16 October)! Fabio‘s PhD is part of the dual doctorate programme with the University of Milano-Bicocca, and this viva is the Surrey part of the PhD examination, with the Milano-Bicocca part to be completed. The title of his thesis is “Probing Bad Theories With The […]

  • 吉尔福德周边的宝藏小镇 – Epsom|Treasure Town Near Guildford – Epsom

    萨里郡拥有丰富的旅游资源,吉尔福德附近的小镇也往往都非常宁静安详,适合大家在周末规划一场短途旅行。今天介绍的小镇叫Epsom,是UCA Epsom校区的所在地,也是一座邻近伦敦的优美小镇。它位于萨里郡东北部,是一个以其丰富的历史和赛马文化著称的小镇。Epsom最为人知的当属其每年举办的世界顶级赛马赛事——Epsom德比大赛(The Derby)。这个传统可以追溯到18世纪,吸引了全球赛马爱好者前来观赏。赛马场所在的Epsom Downs不仅是赛事的中心,还为游客提供了宽阔的草地和开阔的视野。除了赛马,Epsom因其在17世纪发现的矿泉而一度成为疗养胜地,这些矿泉被认为具有治疗作用,吸引了许多人前来体验。 Epsom的镇中心充满了活力,各种高街商店、独立精品店、餐厅和咖啡馆为居民和游客提供了多样的选择。文化活动方面,Epsom Playhouse是镇上的文化地标,剧院定期举办戏剧、音乐会和喜剧演出,为镇上增添了不少艺术气息。 Epsom的历史遗迹之一是著名的钟楼(Clock Tower)。这座建筑位于镇中心,是Epsom的地标之一,建于1847年,钟楼不仅见证了镇上的发展,还成为当地居民日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。钟楼周围是繁华的商业区,附近有许多购物和用餐场所,是当地人和游客聚集的热门地点。站在钟楼前,您可以感受到这个小镇独特的历史氛围与现代生活的交融。 在钟楼附近,我们常常可以看见人们漫步在鹅卵石铺成的小路上,或者是在旁边的咖啡馆坐着和朋友聊天。Waitrose,玛莎百货等高端百货公司就在咫尺之遥。 Epsom不仅有深厚的历史文化,周边的自然环境也十分迷人。Horton Country Park和Epsom Common是镇上居民休闲散步的理想之地,大片的绿地为人们提供了放松和享受大自然的机会。而对于喜欢徒步和骑行的人来说,Epsom更是通向萨里郡其他自然景区的入口,是探索周边乡村的理想起点。 此外,Epsom的交通也十分便捷。镇上有直达伦敦的火车线路,乘坐火车大约40分钟即可抵达伦敦市中心。这种优越的地理位置使Epsom成为那些希望享受乡村生活却又希望保持与大城市联系的居民的理想选择。 Epsom镇融合了自然风光、历史文化和现代生活,既有令人兴奋的赛事活动,也有适合宁静散步的自然景观,是一个充满活力的小镇。无论您是赛马爱好者、历史文化探索者,还是想寻找一个远离城市喧嚣的安静休闲之地,Epsom都能为大家提供丰富的体验。 Surrey is rich in tourist resources, and the small towns around Guildford are often peaceful, perfect for a weekend getaway. Today, we introduce Epsom, home to UCA’s Epsom campus, a charming town near London known for its history and horse […]

  • Study exchange in Florida

    How ya’ll doing? My name is Olivia and I’m a Sociology student at the University of Surrey who’s completing my final year! Not too long ago I completed a year-long study exchange at one of America’s biggest and most vibrant university campuses, the University of Central Florida (UCF) in Orlando, Florida. Completing an academic year […]

  • Finding the Right Place: How I made my own space a home from home

    Starting university is a huge milestone, and choosing where to live during your time at university is one of the most important decisions you will make. Whether you are a fresher or a returning student, finding the right place to call home for the next few years can be both exciting and daunting. Here is […]

  • Libraries week 2024: Surrey County Council Libraries pop-up event – Dr Emily Klimova

    To mark the beginning of Green Libraries week last Monday, we were delighted to host a pop-up booth from our colleagues working in the Guildford Library and the wider Surrey Libraries. It was a wonderful opportunity to collaborate and exchange ideas with our lending library counterparts, as well as to inform our students and staff […]

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