Politics @ Surrey

The blog of the Department of Politics at the University of Surrey

“It’s not on”: Unpacking attitudes to the EU

As one does, I got into a conversation in Twitter yesterday evening about the EU and its auditing:   @TaxwriterLtd @UKandEU @sarahagemann @Usherwood perhaps when the EU opens up its finances to independent audit. — The VAT Doctor (@thevatdoctor) April 27, 2016 The VAT Doctor felt that because the Court of Auditors, which (unsurprisingly) does […]

What the #EUref campaigns say: 22 April 2016

This week’s analysis covers the first full week of official campaigning and offers an initial insight into how the various groups have adapted their strategy and messaging. As a first observation, it’s useful to note that the opening of the official period hasn’t been associated with a marked uptick in public engagement. Both Facebook and […]

Leave’s painful choices

The opening of the official campaign on the EU referendum hasn’t been all fireworks; instead, it’s been mostly more of the same. Each side trading consequences and perils, questioning the other side’s competence or intent. In particular, we’ve been lacking vision. The vision thing is an easy one of trash: too many overtones of Tony […]

What the #EUref campaigns say: 15 April 2016

We have now reached the final, official stage of the EU referendum. In just 10 weeks’ time, we will have a decision on the UK’s relationship with the European Union. Potentially, this marks a significant stage in the development of the online campaign, which we have been following since January: from now on, there will […]

The battle of the designation: the EU referendum debate encapsulated

Yesterday’s announcement of the official campaign groups for the British referendum on EU membership came a day earlier than expected: it’s been just about the only date that hasn’t been known from a long time out. That surprise timing reflects both the sensitivity of the issue and the delicate politics of any action by those […]

What the #EUref campaigns say: 8 April 2016

Since our last post, just before Easter, we’ve seen a relatively quiet period in the referendum campaign groups’ Twitter activity. In part, this has been due to the holidays, with many key figures taking a short break before a long summer, but it has also reflected the relative paucity of hooks on which to hang […]

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