The Professional Training Placement Experience

Follow our current students through their Professional Training placements.

FreedomFit February Update 2022

Hello, I’m Sofia, one of the PTY Enterprise Pathway students, and the founder of the nutrition and fitness company, FreedomFit. I am aiming to build a community where I bring together registered nutritionists and personal trainers, with the goal of helping young adults build a healthy relationship with both food and exercise and become better educated […]

Pastry Puffs January Blog

Hi, I’m Lewis a student on the student enterprise PTY scheme currently running an events catering company called Pastry Puffs, we serve a fried pastry dessert and can be found outside the student’s union most Thursdays. January was a frustrating month; I came back to Guildford well rested, and my motivation restored from taking a […]

Start of the New Year… Reflection and Implementation – Kabloomz

This months Challenge   This month has been both memorable and unpredictable, as putting forward your creation to the world can be a challenging step to take for any entrepreneur. Especially when you have been putting in months of research as well as making constant iterations to the product, there is a considerable level of emotional investment […]

My tips for securing a placement

Hi, my name is Elina Riznic and I am studying for my Bachelor’s Degree in International Tourism Management. Currently, I am on my placement year working for CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research) in the International Relations department. I will be blogging for the University through my placement year and my first blog is […]

My Placement at Cancer Research UK

My name is Caitlin and I am a 2nd-year Biomedical Sciences student, currently on placement at Cancer Research UK, working as a Student Clinical Study Coordinator. I work in a department known as the CDD (Centre for Drug Development). The CDD is responsible for early phase cancer drug development. Clinical Study Coordinators are assigned clinical […]

JAMINA JOY December Update

(You can check out my November vlog update here). Hello, Jamina here! 🙂 As you may know, I’m starting a sustainable slow fashion brand, JAMINA JOY, with help from the funded PTY Enterprise Pathway by Student Enterprise. I get to work on my business for a year instead of doing a traditional placement! Each month […]

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